Are Your Sexuality and Gender Identity Valid?

Are you unsure about the validity of your sexuality and/or gender identity? Are you looking for validation from others? Look no further, for here I am to give you my scientific opinion.

This quiz will carefully analyze your sexuality and gender identity, and any changes that may have presented themselves. The big question is: are they valid, or are they not?

Created by: Lisa
  1. PSA: I can only use 8 answers per question so I will put certain categories together even though I know they are not the same! What is your sexuality?
  2. What is your gender identity?
  3. Have you ever changed your sexuality?
  4. Have you ever changed your gender identity?
  5. How do you feel about people who have changed their sexuality and/or gender identity?
  6. Have you ever felt unsure about the validity of your sexuality and/or gender identity?
  7. Has anyone ever questioned the validity of your sexuality and/or gender identity?
  8. Now, for demographics (and totally not because I need a minimum of 10 questions to publish this): What is your age?
  9. Which part of the world are you from?
  10. Do you promise to partake in self-care today?

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Quiz topic: Am Ir Sexuality and Gender Identity Valid?
