are you you're teachers fav?

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dont forgot it just a quiz for fun don't believe me an start crying or cheering or what ever , and also all teachers like there students no not necessarily favs

always thank your teacher for teaching you , loving you and annoying you with hw . , if want to know if you are the real fav try this quiz for fun thanks everyone

Created by: yoo D.M amder
  1. do have a favorite teacher ?
  2. when the bell rings what do you do ?
  3. if your teacher calls you after school what is usually the reason
  4. what is your fav subject ?
  5. do you sometimes annoy your teacher ?
  6. do think her/his fav ?
  7. did you huge your teacher before ?
  8. what gender is your teacher?
  9. who likely does the teacher pick on you ?
  10. do you like the quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I you're teachers fav?