Are you stronger than me?

Do you want to know if you are stronger than me! Learn this, taking this quiz and answering honestly! Do you think you would win an armwrestling game. Let's discover it!

Do you want to know if you are stronger than me! Learn this, taking this quiz and answering honestly! Do you think you would win an armwrestling game. Let's discover it! TAKE IT!

Created by: nick 10000
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever lift weight above 20kg?
  2. Have you ever punched someone? Do you bleed him?
  3. Have you ever lift a big table alone?
  4. Have you ever lift above 100kg?
  5. How many times have you win at armwrestling?
  6. What is your body type?
  7. Did you like the quiz (no offence)?
  8. OK, are you waiting with agony the results?
  9. Do you consider yourself as a strong person?
  10. How your friends calls you?

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Quiz topic: Am I stronger than me?