teen werewolf statists

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There are some who are stronger and others who can still learn. Then there is the ones who would rather be left a lone then drag the rest.

Are you stronger or are you still learning. Would you rather be left to yourself or right in front ready to lead. Let's find out what you are and hope that life will be generous.

Created by: Jennifer of dezater
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you killed any big bad werewolves lately?
  2. Do you have an Alpha?
  3. Have you gone though anymore New transformations?
  4. What Color of werewolf eyes do you have?
  5. Can you control yourself on the full moon?
  6. Do you wake up mysteriously naked in the Forrest?
  7. Are you even more attracted to the opposite gender(or if your gay attracted to the same gender)?
  8. How many pack members do you have?
  9. Have you eaten your homework lately?
  10. Do you have a mate?
  11. What do you think you are?

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