Are You Romantic or Realistic?

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There are romantic people who are--well, romantic. And then there are the realistic people who aren't very romantic. Plus there are the in-between sorts of people. Which are you?

There are romantic people who are--well, romantic. And then there are the realistic people who aren't very romantic. Plus there are the in-between sorts of people. Which are you?

Created by: tomboykaitie
  1. Just answer true or false to the following questions. Thank you.
  2. You have ideas of what you want out of a relationship.
  3. You have high standards.
  4. You think go through many "true loves" and get heartbroken before you find the real love of your life.
  5. You believe there are many right people for you. It just depends on where you are in your life.
  6. You consider yourself romantic.
  7. You think you'll find the person you daydream of.
  8. Mr./Mrs. Perfect is out there. You just have to find them.
  9. Done with those types of questions. What's your idea of a good night with someone you like/love?
  10. Do you think you are romantic or realistic?
  11. What's a good gift for someone you like?
  12. With people you like, do you ever imagine you and them fighting or having relationship troubles?
  13. What's a good date?
  14. You run into somebody you've been dating for a few weeks. They are standing right in front of you. What do you picture each other doing to one another?
  15. Can you picture being with one person forever?

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