Are you leader, deputy, medicine cat or warrior?

This is a quiz about if you would be a leader, deputy, medicine cat or just a warrior. I hope you like it! Please comment and like if you do and tell me if I should make another quiz

I made this quiz because I wanted to see hat everyone would get and see what most people get. I heard of this quiz from my friend Silverpelt13 please look at her quiz!

Created by: Eclipsedmoon
  1. What do you do if there is a problem in your clan?
  2. If somecat is hurt what do you do?
  3. What would you rather do?
  4. Which I would you like your answer to be?
  5. If a cat was injured what would you do?
  6. What would you do if you had kits?
  7. Did you like this quiz
  8. Will you comment?
  9. Will you like this quiz?
  10. Should I make another quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I leader, deputy, medicine cat or warrior?