Are you in love?

This quiz will tell you what kind of love your in, being madly in love, or just a player. there are several outcomes and they are really percise. So.... are you in love?

are you in love? are you sexually active? you could only wonder, well now you will know for sure thanks to my quiz. answer the questions and you'll be on your way!

Created by: Dan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you consider love?
  2. What color do you consider love?
  3. What do you seek out of A Relationship?
  4. If you were being held up by a man in a black ski mask, and they held a knife, and they were reaching for your partner, what would you do?
  5. do you consider love a long time experience?
  6. Is love more important or friendship?
  7. Is sex what you think of when you think of your partner?
  8. Last question, Is love a thing more dear to you than your own life?
  9. Why did you play this quiz?
  10. what are you?

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Quiz topic: Am I in love?