Are You Depressed? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You Depressed?

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  • Forty two percent depressed,I honestly don't think I'm depressed just more so aggravated and stressed over my abusive relationship with my parents and with school. I just can't wait till I can move out so life will be way better than. I wanna move out already but I don't have enough money yet nor time but when I do I hope things get better. At least I can get away from the triggering household that is called home but really isn't anymore.

  • Your quiz results
    You are 92% depressed. 92%

    These results aren't 100% legit, but you might want to go see a doctor or something. You seem to be in a crisis and need help. If you refuse to get help, find strong ways to cope. But I encourage you to seek help, and I love you.

    Nobody loves me, nobody loves me, NOBODY LOVES ME


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