Are you beautiful? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you beautiful?

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  • I got 25 maybe the lowest score anyone commented

    WAIT IT IS!!!!

    You are not too beautiful.Someone will say you are ugly. Your features are all faked. Don't be sad, enter a beauty class!

  • You made some girls hurt by this quiz I'd think about this. Sorry we aren't perfect. Sorry we aren't megan fox.

  • You are 32% beautiful

    You are not too beautiful. Someone will say you are ugly. Your features are all faked. Don't be sad, enter a beauty class.

    Thanks as if I didn't already know all that I came here looking for a confidence boost, because I am a thirteen year old girl who has never had any plastic surgery because of my age and faith and who has always been underweight even since birth but yet who feels like she has always been nothing but overweight. I hope your happy with what you created because that result might have given you a confidence boost but you just cut through me like I've been doing to my wrist for five years now. Congrats to you.

  • 82%? Well, that's fine with me. :P

  • You are52% beautiful

    You are cute and lovely, everyone loves you. You are not hot or anything else but always pink and white. Like an angel.

    That was my result.
    Good quiz.

  • I'm beautiful! Yea, babe!


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