Are you as bad-ass as Duke Nukem?

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Do you know who Duke Nukem is? Of course you, why else would you compar yourself with him? A few years back, kids and teens who were as bad as Duke were the envy of everyone else...

Now you can finally find out if your a "Nukem"! With this simple, 12 question quiz, you can see if your as bad-ass as him, or if your a wuss-cake! So give it try, wimp! *this quiz contains some foul laguage*

Created by: Exclane
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You ever plan a Duke Nukem game?
  2. What does Duke do in every game?
  3. Did he or did he not have a set of action figures?
  4. What do you think of having a jetpack?
  5. Would you kill aliens just for fun?
  6. Do you hit on a lot of women?
  7. Do you like kicking?
  8. Do you chew bubblegum?
  9. What's your favorite food?
  10. Lastly, what's your fav Duke game?

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Quiz topic: Am I as bad-ass as Duke Nukem?