What bad guy are you from the "Alanna" series?

Have you read "The Song of the Lioness" quartet by Tamora Pierce? Then you probably know of the 5 plotters who long for the throne, Duke Roger and his 4 cohorts. But this 5 ambitous people are very different, and you could be one of them!

So, you want to know if you are Roger or one of his cohorts (Delia, Alex, Josiane & Ralon)? Then you have come to the right place. So you probably are one of the people (like me) who don't exactly care for the "good" charcters. So hurry up and find out who you are!

Created by: fiona
  1. The most popular girl in school turns you down when you ask to eat lunch with her! You:
  2. OK, please don't get mad but.. what's your fav color?
  3. What is your favorite sport?
  4. Who is your dream guy/girl?
  5. Who is your mortal enemy?
  6. If you were to live in medevil times, what would be your title?
  7. Your house is burning down and you can only save one thing. It is:
  8. All right, I know this is a morbid question but- How do you think you'll die?
  9. Your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with you! You:
  10. At first glance you appear:

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Quiz topic: What bad guy am I from the "Alanna" series?