Are You a Wolf, Cat, or Horse | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You a Wolf, Cat, or Horse.

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  • Wolf and cat,I am both of those sense I am brave,loyal and strong like wolves and also playful, mischievous and independent like cats. Cool quiz mate.

  • sigh. I took the quiz and im wolf agian!!

    Moon wolfy
  • Your Result: Horse

    If you were an animal, you would be a horse! You like to have your friends near-by, and probably love to run and play with them. When the time comes to keep danger away from your herd, you will either fight or run, but you ALWAYS make sure that your herd is safe. Whether you are wild or tame, you make a great companion!

    I knew I was a horse :)

  • a WOLF BOI

    Savage temperest
  • CAT!!!!!!

  • YAY, I am a cat, I LOVE cats :3

    THIS IS SO TRUE... even though I am part wolf (25%) I am mostly cat (80%)

  • I have token all the animal quizes and I ALWAYS get wolf :3 I have no problem with that...but I'm always independent /:\

    Shadow person
  • This quiz is NOT accurate. I am actually part wolf and i got cat.

  • mine saidAre You a Wolf, Cat, or Horse
    Your Result: Wolf

    If you were an animal, you would be a Wolf! Singing is one of your favorite things to do, and being with your friends makes you happy. You can get very defensive when someone threatens you or your family/friends, and and are ready to chase them off, the easy way, or the hard way. You are very loyal, and easily trusted by others.

    yay!! i wanted wolf. : )

  • If you were an animal, you would be a Wolf! Singing is one of your favorite things to do, and being with your friends makes you happy. You can get very defensive when someone threatens you or your family/friends, and and are ready to chase them off, the easy way, or the hard way. You are very loyal, and easily trusted by others.that is so true.

  • Your Result: Wolf

    If you were an animal, you would be a Wolf! Singing is one of your favorite things to do, and being with your friends makes you happy. You can get very defensive when someone threatens you or your family/friends, and and are ready to chase them off, the easy way, or the hard way. You are very loyal, and easily trusted by others.

    ^-^ i am a wolf


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