Are you a TRUE Percy Jackson FAN????

Do YOU have what it takes to be a Percy Jackson OBSESSOR??? Do YOU enjoy reading the books, or are you a movie fan? Do you even know what Percy Jackson IS??

If you want to come TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE, come HERE! Test YOURSELF!!!!!! Come see whether you're a GREAT FAN, or even a fan at ALL! Do you ship yourself with Leo, or do you even know what shipping is? COME SEE WHAT YOU KNOW! (Leo is MINE btw!)

Created by: Pia
  1. What does Annabeth FIRST say to Percy?
  2. Is Kronos MEANT to be in the 2nd movie?
  3. What does Coach Hedge callthe seven?
  4. Who do you ship most??
  5. What's Percy's favourite colour?
  6. Who is Grover's godly parent?
  7. Who hates Percy Jackson here?
  8. What are the INITIALS of the book that we are all waiting to come out?
  9. Seven half bloods shall:
  10. To storm or fire:
  11. An oath to keep with:
  12. Foes bear arms to:

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Quiz topic: Am I a TRUE Percy Jackson FAN???? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Percy Jackson Quiz category.