Are you a Super Freak!

Are YOU a super freaky kinda person?! Are YOu truly truly special in your own freky weirdish way? Come and see if you are, it's only 12 short questions! It may save your life.

OMG! You are such a super freak, maybe. Wanna see if you actually are? Do this test to see if you are a super freak or not! If you are, seek medical attention!

Created by: Ziza ziza
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have red hair?
  2. Do you have lots of friends?
  3. Do you like having fun?
  4. are you friends with brendan winn?
  5. Do you think brendan winn is gay?
  6. When I see Brendan Winn I...
  7. Would you care if you never saw brendan winn again?
  8. Do you get sick of certain people easily?
  9. do you swear alot?
  10. do you play some sports?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Super Freak!