Are you a real vampire? By ella

*This quiz is not to tell if you are a vampire it's to tell how much you know about them* There are many people who know a lot about vampires but few that are supream geeks on them. I know I am one! Like literally! Oh and vampires do exist! So are spells

Are YOU a supream geek on vampires? Do you have what it takes to be one? If you score high why don't you think about casting a spell to become one? Good luck!

Created by: amazon
  1. Why do we drink blood.
  2. What does the Suns effect do on us?
  3. Do we have a reflection?
  4. Do we have souls?
  5. Do you think I am a vampire
  6. Our fangs?
  7. Our hair colour?
  8. Do our eyes change colour
  9. Can we teleport
  10. Are we immortal?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real vampire? By ella