How Vampire are you {Girls ONLY!}

Vampires can not be very precice so you have to take my quiz to find out. Your Opion does matter, but it might not be the correct Vampire guess, so Happy Test Taking.

Do you have what you look like and need to be alive. You can be this horrible evil creature if you can take the 50 or more thing. Please take this quiz and find out if you are a vampire,

Created by: ShangDanFunn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have You ever swallowed Blood?
  2. Do you have Curly long fingernails, pale skin, rat-like fangs?
  3. Can you turn into a bat, wolfs or make mist?
  4. Do you have Nature Powers to control WIND AND RAIN?
  5. Can you hypnotise people and make them move forward from your glassy eyes
  6. Do you get really hot in sunlight
  7. Do you like Dirt
  8. Can you discuise as a human?
  9. Do you cast a shadow
  10. Do you reflect in mirror or glass
  11. Do you like to count things
  12. Do you like Garlic
  13. Do you like smelly socks

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Quiz topic: How Vampire am I {Girls ONLY!}