Are you a nerd? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a nerd?

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  • ok, first of all. cool quiz. second of all. Even though I'm a nerd, I don't look like one. I wear high heels like other people, jeans and t-shirts. I don't have glasses or braces. My friend Matt is a geek, and he doesn't look like one either. so, even if there are nerds and geeks, it doesn't mean they aren't fashionable, it just means they are smart, and like to learn things. Chances are we will go farther in life then most people.

  • "slightly" hmm...i guess that's about right. but nerds are cool...and for the record, just because you're smart doesn't mean you're a nerd. :P

  • OMG SUCH A GOOD QUIZ I LOVED IT AND.. Horses r my favorite animal and it said that I love horses to OMG OMG OMG AWESOMEEEEEEE QUIZ I GIVE IT 9999999999 999 STARS :DDDDDDDD


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