are you a global warming preserver | Comments

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  • Critic: AppleBerry (AppleBerry@Royal.Net)
    My Quiz Result: 29%
    Creator's Score: 75 (Pass)

    Comments: I can't say I believe in global warming, but I can't count you off for that can I? Now, well, there were a few no quality (useless) questions. And the discription for your result seemed like you didn't put alot of effort into them, as well as the result answer. I also counted off for grammar, but you passed! =)

    Email me for mroe info, tips, and links! ;-)

  • you are this much79%

    you are ok.. you care a little.. but a lot more than other people...thank you for your care and concern about global warming and thank you**

    Your Welcome
    :D yay global warming :D


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