Are you a dom or a sub?

This quiz is for people that want to learn if they are a sub or a dom. (ignore the next letters lol) hdhdgdgdhdhshhsjskskshgdgdhdhsjsksksjshdhdgdhdskshs

This takes place on sexual situations, like having "iit. (ignore the next letters) djdhdhhdhsjskskshdhdjsjsisjshdhhsjsskksjdhdhsjjisjsjsjdjsjsjsjsjjssjjs

Created by: Dimitra
  1. Would you rather be manipulated or to manipulate others?
  2. What do you find attractive on someone?
  3. What type of person are you?
  4. Do you like to drink?
  5. What type of movies are you most likely to watch?
  6. Are you sexually active?
  7. You finally meet your crush. He/she suddenly kisses you passionately and touches you inappropriately. What's your reaction?
  8. You are watching a movie with your crush alone. A sex scene appears. How do you feel?
  9. Are you aggresive?
  10. Was this quiz too weird and personal?

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Quiz topic: Am I a dom or a sub?

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