Which Chivalry 2 faction are you?

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Find out which faction you most identify with in the medieval war game "Chivalry 2". (There's a minimum amount of letters i have to use so ignore this)

Are you part of the Agatha Knights or the Mason Order?(There's a minimum amount of letters i have to use so ignore this)....duejwjsjdudhejwuwywhwjydhewjwu

Created by: SRP
  1. Which color combination do you like the most?
  2. Which animal do you like the most?
  3. The weak..
  4. Faith or Freedom?
  5. Must people sometimes be sacrificed for the greater good?
  6. Mercy on the battlefield...
  7. How important is religion to you?
  8. Honor or Strength?
  9. Would you steal, destroy villiages, and kill "innocents" for your cause, if you had to?
  10. Lastly, does the greed and corruption of nobles bother you?

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Quiz topic: Which Chivalry 2 faction am I?

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