Are You A Chad?

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Hey, do you wanna know if your chad? Test yourself or your friends NOW! I gotta make this super long, a paragraph. Stop reading, please stop reading. Why are you still reading?

If someone sends you a link thats not or the main link, but it sends you here, please ask if it is malware and if they are a minor, tell their parents if you can get in contact.

Created by: Jamal of
(your link here more info)
  1. Are you a furry?
  2. Are you a femboy?
  3. Do you support either of the types of people I just named
  4. Are you a zoo or pedo?
  5. Do you support maps?
  6. Do you like Breaking Bad?
  7. Do you think Gustavo solos all of anime?
  8. Goodmorning Usa..
  9. Hello, my name is Gustavo, but you can call me..
  10. Can white people say the N word?

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