The Ultimate Gigachad Test 2

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The original gigachad and ernest khalimov are the original and true forms of gigachad. They have immense strength and power to aid them in their battles against lgbtq and the media. But there are way more than just these gigachads, including more than 10 gigachads. Most of them hold massively godlike powers.

Which form of gigachad could you be? Maybe you're an obese chad because you love lgbtq or maybe you're an inferno chad because of you're hot and firey lava nature or maybe you're the cosmic chad, the ultimate gigachad. Let's find out which form you really are.

Created by: Gigachad
  1. What is you're gender?
  2. 55+55=?
  3. What is you're religion?
  4. Do you breathe from you're mouth?
  5. Do you support LGBTQ?
  6. What is you're opinion on andrew tate's release from prison?
  7. What is you're iq?
  8. Does alot of girls/boys like you?
  9. Should women drive?
  10. What would you do if you saw an lgbtq flag on the streets?
  11. Do you indulge in instant gratification?
  12. Do you have tiktok?
  13. Did you like this test?
  14. Are you an introvert?
  15. Do you get respected alot?
  16. Lastly, is god real?

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