Are you a cat or dog person | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a cat or dog person.

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  • 89% You are a dog person

    I love cats and dogs, but if it came to choosing, a dog would always steal my heart :)

  • Are you a cat or dog person
    Your Result: You are a cat person 86%

    You are a simple person. You like to sit and watch others take the lead. Sometimes you are playful, other times you are not. You only want to join in activites when you want to and don't like to be messed with.

    11% You are a dog person

    Comment:5 stars I love the result but you made a lot of errors on spelling so yeah be slow but anyways ok quiz and descript but questions are nonsense to answer!

  • I'm a bit annoyed that 3 questions asked what I wanted.


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