Answer it in here!

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I need to know.... I'm fricken at a place that I don't want to say. I'm with my friends and there bugging me. Tey want to know why I have an account on here

that I can make quizez and talk to people... Cause i'm awesome. Ugh! I'm sooooo bored!! Trying to figure out what to say in here cause i'm bored okay now bye.

Created by: Elly1Everything
  1. Hewo!! :3
  2. This is just gonna go short :)
  3. If you took my poll then read all of this!!
  4. I know...Well If you don't know who to ship me with then say ... Go to the next one
  5. THEN SAY!! ... Idk.. :3
  6. This is also kinda to level up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. All I want is for you to tell me
  8. How's life??
  9. This is kinda fun!
  10. Oh no it's almost done. Wanna know something that happened to me??
  11. JK! ... I'm not ready to say... I'm trying to be happy though...
  12. PLease rate and commont or do both!

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