What small dog are you?

What small dog would you be? This quiz will finally answer that question. The one that just keeps bugging you. Yes, after this short quiz you will know!

Just click start, and finally you will know. You might have come across this by chance or found it on purpose whatever the reason, fate will now tell you, what small dog you are!

Created by: SkittleDragon
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What is your favourite activity out of these?
  3. What kind of dog treats do you want?
  4. What collar will you buy?
  5. Do you want a dog bed? (Pick your favourite)
  6. As a dog would you be ok with dressed up?
  7. What would you not want to be dressed up as ( as a dog )
  8. Pick one thing from the pet isle
  9. What toy do you want?
  10. And finally, would you rather be a dog or a person

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Quiz topic: What small dog am I?
