Andy's smd Quiz

idk why i do this but here we goles see if u know me, if u r a true frie ._. take this seriousskiddadle skidoodle ur diack is now a noodle pls be 100 words

why do i need 100-150 words why don't u like repeated words u stoopid creator go back to school and study how to make a good website. still not enough words? u fr?

Created by: Andy
  1. What is my actual first name?
  2. What is my fav drink (liquor)?
  3. What is my height?
  4. What is my nickname?
  5. What is my fav movie/serie?
  6. How many languages can i speak?
  7. Where was I born?
  8. When was I born?
  9. What is my fav car (let's stay realistic)?
  10. Who do i love or have a crush on?

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