A Ghastly Love Story

PLEASE READ BEFORE TAKING THIS QUIZ!! Ok this is a love story quiz (and my first) , the only twist is that your dead. You are a ghost that died in an insane asylume (but you don't figure that out in this quiz ;) ) and through out this quiz you won't only meet some pretty hot guys, you will have to figure out how you died, so you can "move on"

You will meet a few guys in this quiz, and at the end of each one you will have to pick who you like more. There isn't a lot of love like stuff in the quiz, just because I wanted to introduce most of the characters. I hope you like it!!!!!!

Created by: invadermere
  1. Bright lights, and loud noises. That's all you remember before everything went black.
  2. You wake up on your bed, and look around slowly. You get up and your confused...what happened? You wonder as you get up and look at the blank, ceiment walls. As you get up, you stair at your clothing...what used to be white, is now soaked in red.
  3. Confused, and now scared, you sit back down on your bed and try to think of what you remember last. A few minutes later a you hear a knock on the door and a pale white head pops through the door (and the door wasn't open) "oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't think you'd be up yet, well nobody thought you were gonna get up..." as it says that the head moves though the door and you see a body! It was a person...a boy (if ya want to get all technical) he looks at you kinda worried and says "..well I don't really know how to put this...but your d-" and he was cut off by you "I'm dead..." you whispered.
  4. "...um, well why don't I show you around." The boy said, trying to cheer things up. He grabed your hand and pulled you out of the room. You were amazied at what you saw! A long wall way with doors on each side and pale white figures walking in and out of each doors, some where open, and you could see others. "Alright so we call this the sleepers hall way." The boy said "and why is that?" You asked. "Well, if people were to...die here, there spirits come back here. We take the spirits and put them in these rooms until they wake up." "Ohh...so I was sleeping" you asked "in ghost terms...I guess."
  5. "Crap! um, if you could, I have to watch over a sleepers room, to see if they wake up, but I have to go pick up my sister from down stairs...could you maybe cover for me, ill only be a few minutes." The boy said in a rush. "Oh...ok" you said. "Oh, thank you! Ok ill be back!" He said and then took off. You looked at the door he left you at. The numbers 1984 were molded on to it...and for some reason those numbers stood out in your mind. You poped your head thou the door and looked around. The room looked a lot like yours, blank walls, and a bed in the corner. On the bed there was a boy sitting on it curled up in the corner. He had black shaggy hair and was pale, and had bright blue eyes, and he looked terifided! You walked into the room, and he looked up at you, and yelled "WHO ARE YOU!!?? WHERE AM I!?!" you looked at his worried face and quitly said "I'm _______ and your dead."
  6. He looked kinda sick and whimpered "no..no..no! I can't be dead!!!" You felt bad and didn't know what to do "what's your name?" You asked. "D...da...david" he said, and right then the boy came back and saw that the sleeper (David) was awake. "Shoot! Um, ok thanks for your help. Why don't you go... look around. I have to help him out." You nodded and left the room. You felt bad, but you had to move on.
  7. You go down stairs, and see a big open room with a few ghosts wandering though it. And sitting near a window, you see a little girl, crying. You walk over and ask her what was wrong and she said "well, there are nightwalkers outside! And a mean on kicked me off the swing set and took my teddy bear! And they won't give it back!" You felt really bad, so you walked right outside near the swing set...but no one was there...you were kinda confused so you sat down on the swing, but then you felt a cold hand hit your back, and the next thing you new is that you were on the ground! You jumped up, but saw nothing! You heard a voice thou, it was corse and sounded like it was only trying to scare you "you must be new here" it hissed as you felt a cold touch again and you were on the ground! "Cuz ghossst sssshould know better than to trussspasst on nightwalker territory!" You looked in front of you and saw to big black boots near your face, as you looked up the body was dressed in a black trench coat and was holding a small teddy bear in its right hand. As you tried to get up, you felt a boot put on to your back and pined you to the ground! The nightwalker bent down so now you were face to face, he had angery red eyes, and jet black hair with a green streak though it.
  8. He looked at you, and as he did, it seemed that all the anger in his eyes leaked out, he looked embraced! He slowly took his foot off your back, and you stood up. You were looking face to face with with each other "wow..." you heard him say quitly, and just after that you heard another voice, but this wasn't his, it was different, more calm "tyler!" It shouted, and a figure dressed in black droped from the sky, its big wing were out, but then were quickly tucked away. "What are you doing?! I told you to leave these poor spirits alone!" The boy yelled, he had brown hair with a blue streak thou it, he had brown eyes, and was much more tanner that most of the people you've seen today. He sighed and said "I am so sorry about my younger brother! He's a bit of a hand full sometimes." The man said as he grabed your hand, smiled, and kissed it "I'm Victor. And that is my bother Tyler...and you are?" "Oh, I'm _______." You said "your pretty cute for a ghost!" Tyler said bluntly as victor hit him over hid head.
  9. "Um..well I just came out here to get that" as you said while pointing at the teddy bear. "Oh...ya, um here" Tyler said has he handed it over. You smiled sweetly as you took it "well we will see you around _____, but we have to go" victor said and then huge wings poped out of victors and tylers backs and they took off. You walked back inside and gave the teddy bear back to the little girl. Your pretty tired now, and like everyone else you walked upstairs to the bedrooms and you went to yours (the boy you met earlier showed you were it was) and you went to sleep....few hours later...... you woke up to laughing and people saying things like "you don't have the guts!" Or "don't be a baby and do it!" You walked out of your bed room and didn't see anyone else up, so you went down stairs. As you did you say David sitting on a couch you sat down next to him and ask him what was going on. "Shhh!" He sneered and pointed at the door. The door slowly opened and a tall boy with red hair, green eyes, and freakles was in by a bunch of other kids outside yelling things at him. He looked scared out of his mind. "If you can last the rest of the night in here, we'll agree that your brave." The group of kids slamed the door shut and he sat down on the ground. The boy slowly got up and sat on the couch. He didn't seem to see you, so you got up, but right then his eyes got really big and screamed! "Your...your a ghost!!!"
  10. You stood there like a deer in headligths, while the boy was yelling! David jumped over and put his hand over the boys mouth. "Shhhhh!!!" David hissed, as the boy was trembling and looked like he was about to cry. "Ok, if your quite, ill let go." David whispered. The boy nodded, so David slowly let go. "What's your name?" You asked couriously. "Cameron...." he said with a worried exspresion on his face "I'm sorry if I disurbed you, um, two but-" he was cut off by you saying "its ok. But you might want to leave. If they other ghosts get up, they might not be to nice." "Um...ok" he whimpered as he was getting ready to leave "will I ever be able to come back?" He asked gazing hopfully into your eyes. "...maybe, but you need to go!" You said quickly. "But-" and he was cut off by David "GO!" He yelled and pushed him out the door. You watch out the window as Cameron left. David taped you on the shoulder and told you to go to bed. As you were lying in bed the only thing you could think of was how weird it was being dead.

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