(not a quiz but a story) The elements Pt. 2!

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I am awkwardwarysurup (or is it soup?) I may or may not make a part three I'm not for sure yet. I hope you like my story! but why do you have to make these 150 words long?


Created by: Thelements5464
  1. you find a good book in the library, what is it called? (this is the book that unlocks your powers)
  2. what is your element?
  3. what is your element? (continued)
  4. your mom tells you to meet her where?
  5. your mom tells you to meet her where? (continued)
  6. your mom tells you and your sister that you have powers
  7. you meet a girl named thunderstorm and you train using your powers against manicans
  8. take a 10-20 min break
  9. bye!
  10. no seriously bye

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