10 Secrets (part 5) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz 10 Secrets (part 5).

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  • Ok so today I POSTED PART 6

  • @DaughterOfApollo: haha, I just did something small for them. Josh probably would be the one who would do something like you listed. Plus I hope that Josh doesn't have buckets of jello in his room. Well he might. Im not sure. Its Josh.

  • Aha!! First comment!! :P.

    I wouldn't have dumped water on Parker and Brody. I would've found something much better. I might've made it jello instead of water so it would've hurt more XD. Or put a siren in their rooms and lock them in it. Then, turn the siren on and it only would've been able to turn off if you opened your door, which they wouldn't be able to do because their doors would've been locked :D. Or maybe I would've dumped paint on them. Or punch or slap them across the face :D. Or drawn something on their faces and then scream in their ears :D.

    Awesome part btw, I can't wait for the next :).


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