Zombie Apocalypse Survival Quiz

If a zombie uprising was before us how would you fend? This quiz will accurately rate your chance of survival without asking pointless non-relevant questions.

Handling a gun isn't the key to survival. You'll need wits, strategies, and a strong intuition. Do you have what it takes to survive the outbreak?!?

Created by: Jake

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Understanding Zombies Is A Key To Survival, Which Of These Causes Infection.
  2. How are you infected by a zombie?
  3. The infected individuals have...
  4. The biggest flaw the undead have is...
  5. Okay... Knowledge is half the battle. Now it's actually happening, can you survive? Pick your firearm...
  6. And now for your melee weapon...
  7. Prior experience is a key factor. Answer the following questions honestly... Any gun experience.
  8. How would you rate your hand eye coordination skills?
  9. Okay, time for scenarios. Choose what you would do in all the following situations. Assume you have your pick of gun and melee weapon... Three zombies grunting and lashing out at your window...
  10. The undead have gotten into your shelter. You head for ____ and shack up.
  11. There are two zombies entering through the window. You...
  12. This questions you have no control over but are factors in survival. (Answer Honestly). You live in...

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