The Best Zombie Survival Quiz Period.

This quiz is a thorough quiz that actually has a lot of important factors put into the quiz I personally say this is the best one on this website alteast. (This is assuming the zombies are like 28 days later)

So figure out if you truley have what it takes to survive in a theoretical zombie infection. This will truly separate the boys from the men. I doubt even I will have a perfect score when I take this quiz.

Created by: Garretthasnoballs
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Right now in your home what supplies do you have?
  2. How many people would join you if you wanted to form an alliance during this outbreak.
  3. What is your immediate plan for supplies?
  4. What is your plan for mobility/lack of it.
  5. At what range would you kill zombies near you or your shelter?
  6. How fit are you and your alliance.
  7. Where do you live?
  8. Who would you trust?
  9. What is your knowledge of the lands near you?
  10. You find these in the immediate area while you are being chased by zombies you only have time to grab 1 which do you grab?
  11. You find these in the immediate area while you are being chased by zombies you only have time to grab 1 which do you grab?
  12. You find these in the immediate area while you are being chased by zombies you only have time to grab 1 which do you grab?
  13. You come across a group of survivors at a far what do you do?
  14. What is the best way to protect your shelter?

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