Your Warrior Cat Life | Comments

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  • Brown,I'm glad I got to have kits and a mate but I really don't see myself much as a warrior more so as a queen or medicine cat even though I know med cats aren't aloud to mate. Pawsome quiz anyways mate.

    You Are Brown... 64%

    You were daughter of the legendary Foxstar. You loved to play warrior with Emberkit. You were always leader with him your deputy. One day, a badger invaded the nursery. You scratched his nose and he left! You were soon Brownpaw. You were an outstanding warrior, and became Browntooth. Your father (Foxstar) had his last life taken by infection. Tawneystar chose you as deputy. One day on hunting patrol, Emberheart told you he had always liked you more than a friend. You became mates. You had one she-kit named Lizardkit. When she was grown, she became Lizardfoot and later Lizardstar.

  • Yay! That is great.


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