Would Jack Sparrow fancy you?

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Do you fancy Jack Sparrow? I hope you do because if you don't GET OUT OG HERE NOW!!! Anyhow, if you do then I bet you want to know if your feelings are returned....

Well now you can! With this quiz you can find out in a few minutes whether you would make it in Jack's world! Don't that sound cool! So what are you waiting for; get started! GIRLS ONLY BTW

Created by: Jessica
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think that you are sexy?
  2. Are you an expert at flirting?
  3. What type of clothes do you like?
  4. Are you good with your sword? (Or if you have never tried do you have good hand eye co ordination or are you good at fencing)
  5. (DON'T KILL ME!!!!) What is your fave color? (I really am sorry)
  6. Have you got a sense of humour?
  7. Are you a bit bonkers?
  8. Are you fit?
  9. DUE (do you ever) look up Jack Sparrow on the internet and stare at his face for AGES?
  10. Did you like this quiz? NO EFFECT ON RESULTS

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