witch fnaf 6 character are u

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This one is just random sooooooo...yeah um edxfghjertfyhkszdfghjewfghjserdfghewrtfgesrtyuhserftgyhujiswedrftgyhujswedrftgyhuwertfyhuxrdcfgvhbjned5rtfgybhj

aesrdfhjktfgbhnjkswtfyguhijkesrdtfgvhjnkxsedrftvgybhnjmkesdrftvgybhunjirtfghjiklsed awerdfyguhuygfd ythtgfdsa hgfdsxz jhygtfdx '/;.l,kmjnhbgvfcd .reikjh

Created by: springe/midnight
  1. what gender are u
  2. whats ur favorite anamitronic
  3. faverate fnaf game
  4. (commit if u got a cooler name)COOL NAME FOR THIS(ur ideas are better then mine) ANAMITRONIC
  5. favorite number
  6. chose a random letter
  7. chose a random letter
  8. chose a random symbol
  9. chose another random symbol
  10. did u like this quiz

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