witch beyblade are you

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fjfjieoklspsn,v/'sw[ktavor R4 11 Wedge-S is a Stamina Type Beyblade released as part of the Burst System as well as the SlingShock System. It was released in western countries as a part of the Thorns-X Minoboros...

Roktavor R4 11Reach Wedge, known as Crash Ragnaruk 11Reach Wedge (, Kurasshu Ragunaruku Irebun RÄ«chi Wejji) in Japan, is a Stamina Type Beyblade released as part of the Burst System as well as the Cho-Z Layer ...hope you liked

Created by: kopi
  1. what is your favorite color
  2. how are you
  3. wich type is your favorite
  4. what would you like for your hare color
  5. do you like to make friends
  6. do you like the quiz
  7. do you have siblings
  8. are you bored
  9. do you like beyblades
  10. its the end

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Quiz topic: Witch beyblade am I

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