Willowheart's Love Story, Girls Only, Part One

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You are Willowheart, and have got three lovely cats, Brambleblood, Rowenjump, and Darkwind chasing for your love. Who will you become mates with? Who's kits will you bear?

Good Luck person now taking over Willowheart's life.(I just made humans sound evil sorry) IF I SAY Brambleberry, I mean Brambleblood. I changed his name last minute sorry.

Created by: CherryBomb

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. "Willowpaw, I give you the name Willowheart!" The leader Elmstar shouts. "Willowheart! Willowheart!" You are a white tabby with blue eyes.
  2. Moleclaw, the clan's main fighter and your old-mentor walks over to you. "Would you like to take a walk with me?" He asks. You nod your head and follow him out. He is a brown tabby with amber eyes.
  3. He leads you into a bush. He then tells you to lay down and begins the rape you. What do you do?
  4. No matter what you say, you run away. You hop up the stairs to Elmstar's den. "What do you want? I'm busy!" he shouted. "Moleclaw ra-ra-raped me!" You burst into tears. Elmstar stalks out of his den.
  5. He comes back with Moleclaw by the scruff. "Darkwind," he shouts, "You have my permission to execute this cat for raping poor Willowheart." Darkwind stares intently at you. He has black fur and blue eyes.
  6. Darkwind slits Moleclaws throat. They quickly get the kits and his body away. Brambleblood, another great fighter, walks up. "That was my brother you foxdung!" He yells, and leaps on Darkwind. They fight in the middle of the camp.
  7. Darkwind comes out on top. "Sorry bro, leaders orders," he sneers. "I'll get you next time," Brambleblood mumbles.
  8. The next day, you go hunting near the ThunderClan border (You live in WindClan btw) A red-ginger cat walks up to you. "Hello, my name is Rowenjump"
  9. "I love you. I just want you to know that. I'm coming to your clan to live there. ThunderClan exiled me." He said, walking over the border. "Okay," You say, "Just let me get away back to camp first then you can come." He nods. You run and Brambleblood is standing near the entrance. "I love you," He says, trying to kiss you. You doge out of the way, and Darkwind does the same thing. You have three toms after you!
  10. Rowenjump walks into the camp. He starts to kiss you.
  11. No matter what you do, you run away. You run to your mother, Flowerpelt. Your sister, Clovertail, is about to give birth with Barkwhisp's kits.
  12. The three cats, Rowenjump, Darkwind and Brambleblood, walk up to you. "Which one of us will you choose?"

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