Will You Survive World War Z

I bet many people couldn't survive a war against the world with zombies and aliens. The quiz will test Your knowledge of zombies and war and survival. Take the quiz... You know you want to!!!

Could you be the only one left on earth.. See how much you know about zombies and survival. This quiz will only take a few minutes and then you will figure out how much of a chance you have for surving against crazy zombie creatures!!!

Created by: meggie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you are walking alone outside and zombies are coming towards you, you...
  2. If your mom became a zombie and was trying to bite you, you would...
  3. How athletic are you?
  4. How smart are you?
  5. Where is the best place to hide from zombies?
  6. How do you kill zombies?
  7. How much do u know about firearms?
  8. What is the best protective piece of clothing from zombies?
  9. What is the best source of transportaion when escaping zombies?
  10. What happens to you when you get bit by a zombie?
  11. How should you enter a bedroom of an abandoned house?
  12. How do zombies attack?
  13. Do you crave brains and guts when you are hungry?
  14. Do you know for sure wat zombies look like?

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Quiz topic: will I Survive World War Z You can find more quizzes like this one in our Zombie Survival Quiz category.