will you survive the hunger games?

Do you like the hunger games? There are some who will win,some who all most did,and some who DON'T!! What is the hunger games?The hunger games is if you get picked to be in there only 2 can win,you most kill to win!

Will you win? How do YOU know? Do you have the SMART,the STRONG,and the FAST to win the hunger games,and that's what you need to win.Until now you will see,CAN YOU WIN?

Created by: MidNightMutent

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. OK the count down is going,5.4,3,2,1,0! What do you do?
  2. OK you get out of the starting place,then your in a tree,you hear a BOOM,then some one screaming,then you hear a SHING!Then you hear foot steeps coming closer,and closer what do you do?
  3. You get away from the foot steps,but your hungry.You have not eaten in a long time.What do you get?
  4. After you get your food it dark out,how do you sleep?
  5. Its day time,you look all over to see if anyone is coming to kill you.You don't see nothing. You get on a move on. THEN A BIG GROUP OF OTHERS COME AT YOU!WHAT DO YOU DO?
  6. You get away from them!Happy you hear the BOOM that they do when some one dies.They show who died.THEN YOU KNOW YOU KILLED THEM!But now YOU REMEMBER YOU FORGET YOUR WEAPON!! But when you go to get it,others are there TWO OF THEM!!
  7. Did you like this?
  8. NOT OVER YET!XD! You look over,you see,a boy/girl from your place you live (your from 12)He/she gives you a food.
  9. You both hear a BOOM!Oh no,you hear your little sister's screaming HELP,(your name)HELP ME!
  10. OK only 6 peps left.You,your other person from 12 with you,your long lost sister you gust saved,6,11. You kill 6,and 11,you sister and other 12 guy/girl killed 11,and you killed 8 with your sister. You find out only 2 can come out of the hunger games not dead. Its your other person from 12(not you)gives his/her life and kills him self for you,and your sister.

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Quiz topic: Will I survive the hunger games?