Will You Survive in Attack On Titan

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READ! You may be wondering why am I taking this test but you should not because I am testing how much you know and I know on Attack on Titan. Will you conquer this test though?. That's the question, and yourself will be the answer.

Just letting you know, please give me a rate or comment with your name on the comment please. If you would seek our answers together I'd love to venture on cause I'm getting bored, so when your done reading this you may take the test!

Created by: Auron Chung
  1. How do you kill a titan?
  2. What weapon were you supposed to have?
  3. How does someone track you?
  4. Which person transformed into a titan?
  5. How do you go up higher grounds?
  6. What's Erens task as a titan?
  7. What does a regular titan do?
  8. What does a colossal titan do?
  9. What would you do if you encountered your first titan?
  10. How would you celebrate your first kill on a titan?
  11. Pick, Rate or comment?(Just being sure.)
  12. Did you like the quiz?
  13. Sorry, I made a mistake. It was supposed to be called: How much do you know about Attack on Titan. Do you forgive me?

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Quiz topic: Will I Survive in Attack On Titan