Will you survive an ink battle?

Hi! Welcome to my quiz. This is for non-Splatoon fans as well as Splatoon fans. In this quiz, it's kind of a choose your own adventure kinda thing. Good luck!

You will be in a turf war and you are an Inkling on level 4. You're going to battle and see if you survive the battle. Good luck! (This is just for fun)

Created by: no
  1. You go to a turf war in Splatoon one day. What weapon will you pick? Keep in mind that these shoot ink.
  2. You're in the battle. Orange versus blue. You are blue. 3 2 1 start! The battle is started. What do you do first?
  3. Someone is charging at you! What do you do?
  4. Okie dokie! You managed to survive, as someone on your team splatted the person! What will you do now?
  5. Alright. you are doing whatever you chose in the last question, and suddenly, ink starts shooting from above! What do you do?!
  6. If you answered Option 2 or Option 4, then you are DEAD. Always choose the last option if you are dead. Ok! Now for everyone who is alive. You managed to get out of the situation. What now?
  7. Ok, you're doing whatever you chose in question 6, even if it's being dead. You have re-spawned now, people who are dead. Ok! Someone starts to attack again, and there is only 1 minute left! What do you do?
  8. Alrighty the battle has ended and you won. what is your reaction
  9. You gonna rate?
  10. You gonna comment?
  11. Byeeee

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Quiz topic: Will I survive an ink battle?
