will you like the book i am writing

They are people who love my book a some who doesnt to make some changes do it i Do care about your opinion by the way i am a girl Good luck !you guys

I do this quiz to see if you guys will like my book to make some changes do it i Do care about your opinion by the way am a girl Good luck !you guys

Created by: maleah of twilight freak
(your link here more info)
  1. do you like the tittle blue moon
  2. Do you like the tittle dark
  3. Do you like the tittle i cant
  4. Do you like the tittle decision
  5. Do you like the tittle the life of alexa andrea jeffersson
  6. Do u like the names for the vampires diego,justin,william,andres,elisa,sarah
  7. Do you like these names for the werewolfs daniel,layla,paula,cole,,armando,kevin
  8. Do you like these names for the humans juan,joahn,kendra,carolina,mariana
  9. Do you care if it was a little from twilight
  10. Were you honest

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Quiz topic: Will I like the book i am writing