Will you and your family survive a zombie apocalypse? | Comments

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  • Yes you and all your family have survived. Even though you have been through a lot you and your family are still alive! Let's here what you guys went through! You first heard it on the news so you got you pistle and A.K. 47 out and got in your car. You then drove to a area in the mountains you know ( on the trip you got stopped by several hungry zombies but your bus end shot them all off). When you got there you hid out with your 2 best friends and were safe! You had enough food and fought off other atacks you encounted.

    I'm alive!!!!!!!

    Pyra Potter
  • It said yes so I have nothing to worry about!

    Jinx Blackclaw
  • I will survive !!

  • Will you and your family survive a zombie apocalypse?

    Your Result: Kind of

    You and most of your family survived, but not all! Sadly you lost your husband and best friend and her husband. You and you kids and her kids survived though and now you take care of them along with your kids. You lost you best friends husband when he went with your husband to fight a mob of zombies and your best friend died while running from zombies that wee chasing you guys ( she barly gad time to give you her youngest kid before they caught up with her. Your husband died while at work. But the rest of you are completly safe now and healthy!

  • To be honest I think me and my dad will survive but not my mom



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