Why do they hate you?

Hi thanks for choosing this quiz, i's and honor and so I like a lot of things well just dhendusmdhdudndbdgdjdnfhfudndhdjdjdndydjendhdjdnehdudndydjenchxjdndhdjd

This is just a normal test of if or why someone hates you : May be real my life is crazy I can be lazy fortnite for life oh man dang man I feel like a rockstar

Created by: Siera_Plays
  1. Do you ever get complimented!
  2. Have you ever told your friends anything private
  3. Are you attractive
  4. Are you normal
  5. Are you talented
  6. Are you gonna recommend this quiz?
  7. Make sure you subscribe to It'sFunneh and Flamingo
  8. How old are you
  9. Do you have a crush
  10. Ready

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