Who is your Avatar The Last Airbender boy? (for girls)

Want to find out who your Avatar The Last Airbender boy? Find it out!!!! It does only take a few minutes, so what is stopping you?! Girls... hope you like it! :D

Hi girls!!!! You want to find out who your Avatar The Last Airbender boy is? Find out here! In just a few minutes you will find out! Hope you enjoy it!

Created by: Irenemarleen
  1. Choose your weapon:
  2. Choose your element:
  3. Choose one of these colors: (has effect)
  4. An old woman is getting attacked, what do you do?
  5. (favourite) animals? it has effect:
  6. often your say:
  7. most you like:
  8. first date!!! where are you going to?
  9. He forgot your birthday ''oops'', your forgive him?
  10. are you going to try my other quizzes? (no effect)

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Quiz topic: Who is my Avatar The Last Airbender boy? (for girls)