Who is Your AQOURS Girlfriend!

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Who is your AQOURS GF? Hope you enjoy your answer and don't want to end my life. Please don't. hanamaruhanamaruhanamaruhanamaruhanamaruhanamaruhanamaru


Created by: Dude
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What kind of friend are you?
  2. What is your Zodiac? (If your sign isn't here, pick the one that suits you well.)
  3. Respond to this situation: Your friend is going to make a decision that will impact them either negatively or positively. You have been in the same situation, only difference is that it ended bad for you.
  4. What intrigues you the most?
  5. Favorite Food?
  6. Height!
  7. Do you prefer taller, or shorter?
  8. What kind of music are you into?
  9. Style preference
  10. hope you enjoy

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Quiz topic: Who is my AQOURS Girlfriend!