Who are you without your phone?

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So much is said these days about people being on their phones too much. No one is truly experiencing their full potential, being their authentic selves.

And who is the real you? When you put that phone down, who shows up? By taking this quiz you can get a great insight into who is waiting inside of you, ready to manifest!

Created by: Claudia Olson
  1. When asleep, your dreams are
  2. Your favorite activity is
  3. You prefer to be
  4. What's your favorite pet?
  5. What is your daily job?
  6. You most often vacation
  7. You communicate with others best via
  8. Your friends mostly live
  9. How do you express your creativity?
  10. When the power goes out in your home, you are most likely to
  11. What is the purpose of a pencil?
  12. What role does art play in your life?
  13. How often do you listen to live music?

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Quiz topic: Who am I without my phone?