Who are you on Dance Moms (season 5)?

Dance Moms on Lifetime Maddie and Mackenzie Ziegler Kalani Hilliker Kendall Vertes Nia Frazier Jojo Siwa and the moms of course Gianna Martello and Abby Lee Miller

So, this quiz is to figure out who you are on the team. Obviously you're not on the team actually but you could be so yeah. Let's see who you would be if you were.

Created by: Carly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you do first when you see/meet Abby?
  2. What's your favorite type/style of dance?
  3. How long have you been dancing with your current studio?
  4. What's your favorite "outfit" to wear to dance?
  5. Who's age are you closest to on your team?
  6. Do you complain a lot on your team?
  7. Do you get a lot of solos?
  8. Why are you on your current team?
  9. Why do you do dance?
  10. When did you start dance?

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Quiz topic: Who am I on Dance Moms (season 5)? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Dance Moms Quiz category.