Which Dance Moms girl are you?

There are those who watch Dance Moms and those who don't have a life. Either you know the names of all the dancers, moms, and guests. Or you don't. It's your life and I won't judge.

This is a quiz to find out which Dance Moms girl you are. This isn't really about the girls, it's about you! It is the girl on the show you are most like.

Created by: dancergirl22
  1. People describe you as........
  2. You like to watch dances that are.......
  3. What is your fav style of dance to PERFORM?
  4. How do you get your education?
  5. What is your fav color?
  6. How does your mom act?
  7. Do you do anything else besides dance?
  8. What are your fav types of dance?
  9. What would you do if someone beat you at a competition?
  10. Your eyes are...
  11. Your natural hair is....
  12. Your ideal costume would be.....
  13. Do you every cry during a rehearsal?
  14. Your mom is......
  15. Your dream is......
  16. Your ideal group dance is.....
  17. If you didn't dance, you would.......

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Quiz topic: Which Dance Moms girl am I?