Which Warriors Cat are You? | Comments

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  • Firestar,I would love to be friends with Graystripe and I used to be a kitty pet as well but then wanted a more adventurous and fun lifestyle like him. Pawsome quiz mate.

  • This is Tigerstar. I am from the warriors series, i have come to extract my revenge on the world! I killed dozens of cats with my ruthless search for power, and it was fun! I now roam the dark forest, and am currently training the warriors of the dark forest to do battle on the world, but right now i will settle for annoying the crap out of everyone! hehehehe! If you like this and don't want to get brutally slaughtered in your sleep, then you will post this on ten quizzes or more. Just remember, i'm a cat, which means I can get in most places people can't, and I have extremely sharp claws that will rip your throat open. >;)

  • 93%

    YOU ARE FIRESTAR!!! You are loyal, and you treat your clan with respect, you are brave, and you are smart. You killed Scourge. You mate is Sandstorm and your kits are Squirrelflight and Leafpool. You once shared your leaders den with Sandstorm before a meeting with Tigerstar at the Fourtrees. You belong in ThunderClan.

  • -.- *no one know bout SkyClan -.- sorry

  • YOU ARE BROKENSTAR!!!!! You are bloodthirsty and creul. You were chased out and became a prisoner of ThunderClan, then Yellowfang fed you Deathberries to end your life. You are perfect for ShadowClan.

    mwahah ahahahahahahahha lol and ashartist -.- ikr... no ne know bout Skyckan!!

  • how come no body has heard of skyclan, read firestars quest


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