Which 'the Outsiders' Character Would You Date?

The outsiders is a classic movie. A lot of people love the movie, and also love the book. It follows two teens who have to run away after accidentally murdering a person in a "higher class".

Have you ever wondered, after watching the movie or reading the book, which character would be the person you would date? Well, this quiz is for you then!

Created by: shaylie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which sport do you like/play/want to play the most?
  2. Do you like nature very much?
  3. What do you look for the most in a significant other?
  4. Which animal?
  5. Movies or music?
  6. What genre?
  7. Which is better: iphone, or samsung?
  8. Which vehicle?
  9. Which one?
  10. Would you rather . .?

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